
The EFC fights sexual exploitation – with your help

01 February 2016
In the last several years, the EFC has prioritized fighting sexual exploitation. With the help of our friends and donors, we have researched, collaborated and worked extensively to see better, stronger laws and policies to address prostitution and human trafficking. We have listened to survivors.

The best way to stem commercial sexual exploitation is to address the demand for paid sex. If we can reduce that, we can reduce the need for a supply of women, girls and boys who are for sale.

It can help to imagine the big picture of sexual exploitation as a wheel. The spokes are many, and include prostitution, human trafficking, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape culture and more. Pornography, because of how it shapes sexual norms, preferences and behaviours in our society, is the hub.

Also in this issue:

Spotlight on Love Is Moving.  In November the EFC announced a new partnership with Love Is Moving (LIM), an innovative, Canadian, youth-focused initiative.