


The EFC applies biblical principles to life in society, including law and public policy. We show how laws that reflect these principles – such as the sanctity of human life, care for the vulnerable and religious freedom – contribute to the public good.

The EFC often makes submissions on these issues to parliamentary committees and government bodies as well as occasionally to international bodies such as the United Nations.

(See also Outgoing Letters to legislators and cabinet ministers, and Court Cases for legal submissions.)

Sample Communications for Bill S-210

Ask your MP to protect kids online and support Bill S-210. Write or call your MP. Contact your MP in more than one way for even greater impact, for example, by calling and writing.

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Bill S-210: Online pornography restriction

Bill S-210 proposes to set up crucial protection for minors from the harms of exposure to online pornography.

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Submission on Online Illegal Sexually Explicit Material

The EFC calls attention to the need of more protection of Canadian children, women, and men from online illegal sexually explicit material.

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