
EFC Update Newsletter December 15, 2020

15 December 2020

Urgent: Senators Debating Bill C-7 on Euthanasia

A bill expanding euthanasia, Bill C-7, has passed in the House of Commons and is now being debated in the Senate. Some Senators are seeking to expand the bill and remove safeguards such as the exclusion of mental illness as the sole underlying medical condition. The EFC sent a letter quoting a variety of experts to all Senators today urging careful consideration and changes to the bill. A couple weeks ago the EFC’s director of public policy Julia Beazley appeared before the Senate committee and sent a written submission expressing the EFC's opposition to the bill and asking for amendments.

Your support is urgently needed. Please take a few minutes to call or email the Senators representing your province to ask them to oppose Bill C-7 and euthanasia on the basis of disability. See EFC resources at

Asking Visa and Mastercard to Cut Ties with Pornhub

The EFC was one of more than 40 signatories to a letter asking Visa and Mastercard to stop processing payments for Pornhub. Both companies have since suspended their ties with Pornhub. Read this new Three Questions blog with Glendyne Gerrard from Defend Dignity to find out why this successful initiative was important and how you can get involved.

Justice Committee Expands Bill C-6 to Ban Conversion Therapy 

The Justice Committee has recommended changes to further expand the scope of Bill C-6, a bill to ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. Bill C-6 has been sent back to the House of Commons and will be considered when Parliament resumes in the New Year. The House of Commons is currently on break and scheduled to return on January 25. The EFC’s written brief to the committee, sent Dec. 5, asks for a clear and careful definition of conversion therapy that protects religious freedom and good faith conversations. This is a key time to contact your MP with concerns. See for a sample letter and more information.

Protecting Kids from Porn: Three Ways to Make a Difference

A few minutes is all it takes to support a new bill to help limit children and youth from accessing commercial porn sites. Senator Miville-Dechêne introduced Bill S-203 this fall. We suggest three ways you can support the bill right now.

Q&A About QAnon

You’ve probably heard the term “QAnon” by now, but how much do you really know about it, and what should Christians think? Faith Today columnist James Beverley takes a closer look at this conspiracy theory in his latest column.

Faith Today print subscriptions are now free to homes within Canada at Our Canadian Christian journalism is also free to read online, supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations. Have you made a donation this year at We suggest $15 for digital-only readers, $25 for print subscribers, or $50 for those able to help someone who can’t afford it. Thank you for enabling this important ministry!

Finding Life After a Covid Layoff 

B.C. writer Darlene Pinter reflects on how it feels when a temporary call to work from home becomes a permanent layoff. “Like everyone else I know, I feel smothered with everyday questions like whether to plan for Christmas dinner with others, how many gifts I can purchase in good conscience through Amazon, whether I will ever again find Lysol disinfectant wipes in the cleaning aisle. Won’t making the right choices restore some balance and make me feel safe?” Read the rest in our latest Faith Today blog.

A Reconciling Christmas Inspired by “Those Days”

The shepherds are examples of how we too must respond to the Incarnation and the declaration of the Messiah's prophetic arrival, according to Phil Wagler’s latest post in our Reconciling series at

Coming Events at

→ Leading Beyond the Blizzard: New Economic Realities and the Future of FBO Funding and Management (Wycliffe College), online, Dec. 15
→ Christmas Presence from Home with Carolyn Arends and others (Pacific Theatre), online, Dec. 20 
→ Hope is Born: A Christmas Special (Coastal Church), online, Dec. 20
→ Becoming a Better Dad Workshop—Facebook Group (Impactus/Promise Keepers), online, Jan. 6 
→ EFC Prayer: Denomination Affiliates, Zoom, Jan. 13, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET) 
→ EFC Prayer: Canadian Church Unity, Zoom, Jan. 25, 11:00am – 12:30pm (ET) 
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, Zoom, Feb. 17, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET) 
→ EFC Prayer: Church Affiliates, Zoom, March 31, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET) 
→ EFC Prayer: Ministry Organization Affiliates, Zoom, April 21, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET) 
→ EFC Pentecost Sunday Prayer: All Affiliates and Staff, Zoom, May 20, 11:00am – 12:30pm (ET) 

Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter. 

In Case You Missed It

→ Recorded webinar: The Church and COVID: How are our pastors and leaders faring? (Audio) (Video)
The Case for Confession (Faith Today column by Carolyn Arends)
The EFC to intervene in religious freedom case
A Simple Word of Gratitude (Faith Today blog)
Welcome the stranger: A Canadian church guide to welcoming refugees (free practical resource)
EFC speakers in your online gathering - contact us to explore options
→ Get your message out at Contact