
Re: "Women's abortion rights may vanish if the NDP doesn't choose a fiery leader" - A letter to the editor of The Toronto Star

26 March 2012

RE: "Women's abortion rights may vanish if the NDP doesn't choose a fiery leader," March 23, 2012

To the editor of The Toronto Star,

Heather Mallick says she “trembles” for this country’s daughters when she reflects on the lack of “fiery” NDP leadership candidates who can help ensure the abortion status quo in Canada; unrestricted abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

Like Heather Mallick, I too tremble for Canada’s daughters; but I tremble both for those inside and outside the womb.

In Canada, as in much of the world, sex-selection and gendercide is taking place, with this country’s daughters tending to be aborted in preference for Canada’s sons. This ugly reality for our daughters is the end result of unrestricted access to abortion.

And the Supreme Court of Canada did decide on the issue in 1988. It decided that the law of the day (as implemented in 1969) was flawed and Parliament alone had the jurisdiction to consider and legislate in regard to the child in the womb.

Faye Sonier, Legal Counsel
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada