Collaboration - EFC ministry leaders working together

The EFC gathers Evangelicals to advance the gospel together, partnering for effective ministry. As a national association, the EFC plays a unique role in promoting collaboration among churches, ministry organizations and higher education institutions.

We work with other evangelical ministries and leaders to collaborate for good. Jesus prayed for unity among his followers (John 17:11) and for them to be known by their love. We work out our common calling and service together, as salt and light to those around us.

The EFC draws together networks and partnerships to meet the needs of communities and our nation. We research the changing contexts in the Church and in society in order to understand and interact with them. We encourage collaborative efforts among those who work in similar areas of ministry.

We tell the stories of Evangelicals, churches and ministries to encourage one another and to promote understanding and dialogue. We celebrate the breadth and depth of evangelical faith and practice.

Related Themes

The EFC Seven Commitments Working Group continues working on ways to encourage reconciliation and right relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. See

Our Common Calling is a mission-focused collaboration between the EFC and Lausanne Movement Canada, Canadian Centre for Christian Charities and Christian Higher Education Canada. So far its projects have included church training on welcoming newcomers to Canada, global mission, faith and work, and conversations with diaspora communities in Canada. See

The EFC partners in several major research projects, including on parenting and faith formation, small churches and more.

The EFC Global Mission Roundtable is one of the most longstanding evangelical collaborations we facilitate. It seeks to maximize the effectiveness of the Canadian evangelical community in global mission. This roundtable provides a platform for collaboration around common issues, challenges and opportunities which are key to the Canadian Church's effectiveness in global mission. It has its own webpage at

The World Evangelical Alliance is a network of churches and organizations representing more than 600 million Evangelicals. The EFC is its national alliance partner in Canada. Visit EFC staff help lead the WEA, including current contributions by David Guretzki, Bruce Clemenger and others. Canadian Brian Stiller is the WEA global ambassador, and the EFC hosts his Dispatches blog. The WEA includes commissions on mission, religious liberty, theology, women, youth as well as initiatives on human trafficking, refugees, leadership training, nuclear weapons, generosity, creation care, business and more.

The Faith-based Sponsorship Agreement Holders Working Group is a partnership comprised of sponsorship representatives from EFC-affiliate denominations and ministries. They problem solve, strategize and encourage each other and all Canadians to engage in sponsorship and support of vulnerable refugees worldwide.

The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Roundtable is another longstanding evangelical collaboration we facilitate. It exists to provide a vibrant, national voice for youth and young adults, and the faith-based organizations that serve them. This network is a resource that inspires many EFC activities on children and youth, which are listed on the youth section of our website. See a summary of recent developments and brief overview.

Browse our website or contact us to learn more about our collaboration efforts. Past efforts are listed here on the Background tab.

To inquire about participating in a collaboration, contact our national office.

You can support our efforts in facilitating collaboration with a charitable donation.
Independent Ministries the EFC Helped to Start Former Ministry Partnerships
  • Aboriginal Ministries Council
  • Child in Church and Culture Partnership
  • Purpose At Work
  • Forum for Women in Ministry Leadership
  • Social Action Commission
  • Task Force on Education
  • Vision Canada / National Evangelism Partnerships
Beyond the network of evangelical organizations formally affiliated with the EFC, we also co-operate with many external groups including some based in other faith traditions. Check the co-operation section of our website for a summary or recent developments and a brief overview.