
Church and Faith Trends - October 2007 / Volume 1 / Issue 1

01 October 2007

Complete research article can be read as a PDF Download.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) undertook the 2007 Evangelism Survey to identify effective means of evangelism. The survey was designed in particular to measure the priority that pastors and church leaders placed on evangelism and to see how that priority played out in evangelistic methods and in evangelistic effectiveness.


Data was collected using the online survey tool The survey was sent by e-mail to the leaders of denominations affiliated with the EFC. These leaders were asked to forward the survey on to the pastors within their denominations. Responses came from pastors in 32 denominations and 4 independent churches; responses from three denominations made up 42% of the final sample. Between April 24 and June 15, 2007, there were 139 survey responses collected, of which 111 were substantially complete and useful for analysis. Anonymous responses or substantially incomplete responses were not scored, nor were outliers.

Given that the sample size for this survey was small (n=111) and that the computations were based on assignments to ranges of values, the reader is cautioned against drawing conclusions of great precision