

Education - Children Having a Faith Based Education

Parents have primary responsibility for nurturing and educating children. The Bible tells us that we are responsible to teach our children about what God has done. 

The classroom is an important place for children to learn about the nature of the world and their role in it. All education is based on an understanding of the world and what is ultimately important; in other words, all education is based on faith beliefs of one kind or another. A secular worldview, which restricts religion to private life, has become the prevailing framework of many public school systems. Some parents choose to homeschool or send their children to religiously based schools in order to have their children educated within a framework consistent with their religious beliefs.

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Here are some recent issues in education that the EFC has been involved in:
  • Supreme Court case (2018) regarding the proposed school of law at Trinity Western University
  • Young Adult Transition Research (2018) about the role of religious faith in the lives of young people after high school
  • The EFC’s Love Is Moving initiative has among its goals to help young adults examine more closely what the Bible teaches about love
  • The EFC formerly supported the development of Christian Higher Education Canada, which is now an independent organization include more than 30 seminaries, colleges, universities and other postsecondary institutions
Here are some older issues in education that the EFC has been involved in: