Religious Freedom in Canada - Person celebrating religious freedom in Canada

Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship God. Living out our religious beliefs includes gathering together to worship God, teach, do good works, and share our faith. Religious freedom is the ability to hold religious beliefs and live them out, personally and in community, privately and publicly.

Canada is a nation in which people of different faiths live side by side. Canadian law and society recognize the significance of religious belief and practice. Freedom of conscience and religion are the first fundamental freedoms listed in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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Related Themes

Media releases

EFC President Bruce Clemenger releases book on Canada’s “emerging civil religion”

New book that examines the changing role of religion in the public square in Canada...

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Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds 'Effective Referral Requirements' for Euthanasia, Abortion

On May 15 the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld forced referral policies on medical...

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Religious freedom of Christian hospitals

EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce Clemenger discusses modelling Christian ethics in the...

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Remembering the persecuted Church

The increase in violence around the world against individuals on the basis of their...

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Official statements

Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity

The Canadian Interfaith Conversation issued a statement by 60 faith traditions and...

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Imposing a new values test on military chaplains

A comment on the Advisory Report that recommends exclusion in the name of diversity for...

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Journey Canada and their concerns with Bill C-6 on conversion therapy

​We asked Journey Canada why they are concerned with conversion therapy bans like Bill...

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Is it good to follow your conscience?

David Guretzki considers the role of conscience in the life of the Christian, and what...

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Outgoing letters

Letter on conscience to CPS Nova Scotia

The EFC urges the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia to ensure robust...

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Letter to Canadian Human Rights Commission on religious intolerance

A four-page letter by the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities and The Evangelical...

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Court cases

Klassen-WRPS v. Star of the Sea Parish [2021]

Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship God. Living out our religious beliefs includes gathering together to worship God, teach, do good works, and share our faith.

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Aga v. Ethiopian Orthodox [2020-2021]

Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship God. Living out our religious beliefs includes gathering together to worship God, teach, do good works, and share our faith.

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Concern over federal challenges to charitable status

Concern over federal challenges to charitable status in Canada for pro-life groups and...

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Journey Canada and their concerns with Bill C-6 on conversion therapy

We asked Journey Canada why they are concerned with conversion therapy bans like Bill C-6.

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The religious belief defence

Someone found to have promoted hatred or antisemitism can use a legal defence based on belief in a religious text. This bill would remove this defence.

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Submission to Canada Summer Jobs study

The EFC calls attention to significant problems with the Canada Summer Jobs program in a submission to a parliamentary study.

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Government Action on Pro-life Charities and What You Can Do

This new toolkit explains what's happening to challenge the charitable status of pro-life charities, why we're concerned, and how to respond

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Church Guidance: Conversion Therapy Bans

Summarizes concerns with bans on conversion therapy and advises on communicating with elected officials on this sensitive issue.

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