
We Are Neighbours: Catholics and Evangelicals in Canada

The Roman Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue, a joint initiative of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, has released a new resource entitled We Are Neighbours: Catholics and Evangelicals in Canada.

This 12-page pdf is based on two earlier resources, the CCCB text Our Evangelical Neighbours–A Catholic Reflection on Evangelical Christianity and the EFC text Our Roman Catholic Neighbours.

We Are Neighbours invites Catholics and Evangelicals to form joint study groups and includes suggestions for study questions, ice-breakers and ideas for joint action. The aim is to help Canadian Catholics and Evangelicals become more familiar with similarities and differences in their faith while seeking also to work together on issues of common social concern. 

Urban missiologist Glenn Smith is the evangelical co-chair of the Roman Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue. (He’s also academic dean at two Montreal schools, Presbyterian College and Institut de théologie pour la francophonie.) The Most Reverend Joseph Dabrowski, C.S.M.A., is the Catholic co-chair.