
Reasons to hope and ways to engage

06 January 2020

As we rise up to meet the challenges of the new year, we are rooted and grounded in Christ, whose love is greater than we can comprehend. He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

One primary reason to hope is that our lives and our country are in God’s hands. And he is faithful, good and sovereign.

We can also have hope because God has given us a role to play. There is a purpose for us being alive in this time and place, in relationship with the people around us. He has plans for us. Taking action helps nurture hope.

In that spirit, here are a few practical and simple ways we can all engage:

  • We can extend the love of God to our neighbours by supporting laws and public policies that protect the vulnerable among us.
  • In as little as 10 minutes, it’s possible to make a quick phone call or personalize a sample email to an MP. These are simple and effective ways to engage in public life. We are told again and again that those phone calls and emails make a difference.

We would never ask you to engage without providing a roadmap. You can check out the EFC’s engagement kit for tips on how to contact your MP and how to be effective, including info on the parliamentary process and even details on how a bill becomes law.

This year, we know difficult issues will be dealt with in Parliament. Your help and participation is needed and effective. Here are a few of the federal issues we anticipate:

  • A proposed law that will expand eligibility and remove safeguards from the medical assistance in dying (MAID) process. This matters so much because it will put vulnerable people, such as Canadians with disabilities, even more at risk.
  • A ban on conversion therapy, i.e. an attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, could be added to criminal law. This is such a sensitive and important issue because of past abusive and coercive practices, like electric shock treatment, and new proposals that may curtail religious freedom and freedom of speech.
  • The current prostitution laws will be reviewed, with some advocates already calling on the government to decriminalize prostitution. Passing laws that target sexual exploitation and the demand for paid sex was a hard-fought battle for the EFC and many others. We will continue to engage on behalf of the vulnerable, the trafficked and the exploited.

We can be confident in God who equips and empowers us and goes with us. As he said to Joshua, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

We are most effective when we work together, with MPs hearing the same message from their constituents as from groups like the EFC. We will provide resources and information on issues this year. Will you join with us in engaging for the good of our country this year?

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