
After voting, we pray and reach out

28 September 2021
Elections Canada has finished tallying all of the votes from last week’s election. Some ridings were a very close race, like the west Winnipeg riding where a candidate won by only 24 votes. It’s a good reminder that sometimes just a handful of votes swings election results one way or the other.
Voting is an important way we make our voice heard in how we want our country to be governed.
But even after the votes are cast and counted, there’s more we can do. As citizens, our job isn’t over. MPs are elected to be representatives of their riding and so we can and should engage with them and let them know what concerns us.
So, where do we begin?
First, we can commit to praying for our MP, our government leaders and our country.
Even if the person or party we supported didn’t win, the Bible tells us to pray for “kings and all who are in authority” in 1 Timothy 2:2.
Being an MP is a difficult job that takes a person out of their community, away from family and friends, for long periods of time. MPs face demands of scheduling, of balancing competing interests, of learning about and making decisions on complex issues, and more.
You can search for your MP using your postal code and pray for your MP regularly by name.
Second, we can reach out to our MP. It is a good idea to build bridges and to form a relationship with an MP before there is an issue or problem we want to raise. One of the most effective ways to engage with an MP is to develop a positive relationship, with genuine care and concern for the MP as a person.
An election is a perfect time to reach out to congratulate your MP and thank your MP for being willing to serve your community.
Take a few minutes to write an email or send a card to your MP to say congratulations and thanks. You could let your MP know that you are praying for them. The email address for your MP is on their parliamentary profile page. Cards and letters to your MP can be sent postage-free to the House of Commons, Ottawa, ON. K1A 0A6.
Before you press ‘send’ or open the mailbox, ask yourself a few questions:
  • Am I saying something constructive?
  • Would I speak to a friend this way?
  • Am I representing Christ well?
See the EFC’s Civic Engagement Kit for info on how to prepare to meet with your MP, how a bill becomes law – and what you can do, and more.
Author: Beth Hiemstra

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